Privacy statement of the customer and marketing register

The controller and its contact information

Aquarium oasis (business ID number 2442999-5)
Valkjärventie 525
01860 Perttula

Name of the personal data register

The register of personal data of Aquariokeita's customers and marketing.

What information can be collected about me?

Contact information, e.g. e-mail address, phone number, address
Payment information
Data observed about the use of the online store and obtained with analytics
Purchase history, ordered and viewed products
Delivery information, e.g. delivery place, time, and delivery method
Product reviews
Online store usage and browsing data as well as identification data of the used terminal device
Product recommendation and other information and identifiers used for targeted content

Providing connection, identification and payment information is mandatory for purchases made in the online store.

The source of the information is basically the user himself.

Group of registrants

Representatives, employees and consumers of our aquarium's customers, end customers, potential customers and potential end customers.

Purpose and legal basis of personal data processing

The purpose of this personal data register is marketing and communication to customers and managing the relationships established by Akvaorikeita with its customers, including the processing of customers' personal data for the following purposes:

• marketing and communication purposes, such as conducting market research, direct marketing, automated marketing and informing customers about new features, products and launches as well as sales promotion campaigns
• Providing products and services for sale to customers and ensuring the quality, functionality and safety of products and services;
• management and processing of product liability issues
• development of the company's products and services
• invoicing
• statistical and analytical purposes, including website analytics.

The processing and collection of personal data is based on Akvariokeitai's legitimate interests. These benefits are based on relationships with customers. In addition, Akvaariokeidas can send direct marketing to customers with their consent, if such consent is required.

The personal data of customers, end customers and consumers can be stored as long as Akvaariokeidas needs it for the purposes stated above, but usually not for more than ten years.

The personal data of potential customers and potential end customers can be stored as long as Akvaariokeidas needs it for the purposes stated above, but usually not longer than two years.
Content of the personal data register

Aquariokeidas can process, in particular, the following data from the personal data register:

• basic information, such as name, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, home address, gender (colloquial term)
• information about products and services of interest to customers
• information about the content and medium of communication between the company and customers (e.g. e-mail or text messages)
• for marketing purposes.

Regular sources of information

The information is mainly collected from each registrant himself, by Akvariokeitai staff or through the website or applications. In addition to publicly available sources, personal data can in some situations be collected from sources other than directly from the data subject, if permitted by the applicable legislation.

Aquariokeidas informs each registered person about data processing, including data sources of third parties and data collected from them, in accordance with applicable legislation.

Disclosure of information to third parties

We may disclose some necessary information to third parties to guarantee delivery and for marketing purposes. Your information is also forwarded to the credit granting agency in connection with the credit decision.

Rights of registrants

If no restrictions apply, each registered person has the right to view all personal information about him that Akvaariokeidas holds. Each registrant also has the right to ask Akvariokeida to correct or delete incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated personal data or to stop using them. Each data subject can also withdraw the consents he has previously given and prohibit all direct marketing.

Principles of personal data protection – Technical and organizational protection systems
Aquariokeidas ensures that adequate technical and organizational protection of personal data is observed and maintained throughout its organization. In addition, Akvaariokeidas ensures that all transfers and transfers of personal data presented in this personal data register to third parties are regulated by contracts or other methods required by law, which guarantee an appropriate level of data protection.
Technical protection systems:
Physical material is stored in locked rooms with restricted access. All IT systems are protected by the security software of the operating systems. To use the systems, a user name and password must be entered, and the data is efficiently transferred through encrypted channels.

Organizational security systems:
Instructions for using personal data have been given in the Aquariukeita organization, and the right to use IT systems, including personal data, is limited to persons who are entitled to use them based on their job duties or roles and who are obliged to keep personal data confidential.

Rights to changes in the privacy statement

Due to the development of services and changes in legislation, we reserve the right to change the data protection statement. Significant changes to the privacy statement will be notified to registered customers when the terms are updated.


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